How to Simplify Christmas..

It has begun… all the Christmas hoopla. I’m hearing people begin to stress about what they will get others for Christmas, and I want to share a link I have read from some of my favorite blogs.

But first I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents. Please don’t get caught up in the spending frenzy! Black Friday is over, but let this be a time to reflect on your life and what you want to accomplish in the upcoming year.

While others are talking about what to buy, why not think about what you can give away to Goodwill or the Salvation Army?

On a personal note, I am going to go through ALL my Christmas decor and streamline it. I’m keeping only the ornaments and accessories I really love, while trying to remember this… just because I have always had it doesn’t mean I HAVE to keep it!

As for gift-giving, I am trying to think of ways to show thankfulness for the person, through experience, or assistance, not stuff.  For example, I have a friend who can’t vacuum because of back problems, so I can “gift” her by vacuuming for her for the holidays.

I hope this encourages you in ways to simplify your Christmas, and enjoy the season and your friends and loved ones!  Moving toward minimalism is an ongoing and hopefully a never-ending process!

Here’s a link by Joshua Becker that helped me greatly in getting a new perspective about it all!

Talk to you soon,

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